Thursday, November 17, 2011

Christmas Stars

Okay so this is an easy peasy craft..but there's something about foil stars that I love.. oooh shiny.. ;)
After I decorated my hearth for the holidays, I thought it was missing something.. stars! I'm in love with stars. It's ridiculous. So here we go..
First, grab a buttload of boxes, and some star stencils.. and a cat. Just kidding about the cat part..the cat is not actually necessary, although a great helper at being in the way during cutting, taping, the stringing up of said craft, etc.
I am so glad my recycling hadn't gone out yet, so I had plenty of boxes on hand, YES!
Trace the star shapes on your cardboard. I guess you could do it straight onto the foil, but I thought using the cardboard would end up being more sturdy (hell-o, we still have another MONTH until Christmas, and who knows what these poor little stars will go through in that amount of time).
We used a glue stick to glue our stars to the foil. Here Jake is pretending to attack his star with the glue. School glue might work better, but I was afraid it would leave 'glue lines' showing through the foil on the other side..

We then cut out the stars, leaving a little foil around the edges to secure it, and taped some twine to the back and hung them up.
Ta Da! Easy peasy and kinda cute.. We had extras.. I think we will either hang them on the tree or use for gift tags.. :)

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