Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Creating the Baby Album

Now that Thanksgiving and Christmas are finally over, I have some time to work on baby projects. One of the many projects are finding and putting together a photo album/scrapbook for our baby girl, scheduled to arrive sometime around Valentine's Day.
Now I've been looking for a baby album for a few months now..and never really found any that I liked. It seems all of the baby books out there are all the same and pretty generic; baby animals all over the cover, big 'baby boy' or 'baby girl' splattered across it.. Nothing that was really my taste.

Finally I found a leather journal at Barnes & Noble that I fell in love with. And it's great because it fastens shut, has a place for a pen/pencil on the inside, and is totally my taste. And one of the best parts was that it cost less than $20.
Now I'm not going for 'cutesy' so this might not fancy everyone's tastes as baby albums go, but this suits mine just fine.
It's not a secret that I'm a huge fan of Alphonse Mucha's artwork, so of course I had to incorporate his artwork in to the album, even if it's just on the inside cover. Our baby girl will love Alphonse Mucha too.. I just know it. The decals on the right are Jolee's brand scrapbook decals. I am in love with everything Jolee's.. I want it all!!!

Instead of going overboard on stickers and scrap booking decals, I bought a paper punch to punch out my own little decorations. I love punches because you can use them for all sorts of things other than scrapbooking, and are WAY cheaper than buying stickers and confetti over and over..
Here is a butterfly punch I bought for only $3.99 at Joann Crafts. Cute!
I cut some scrapbook paper a little smaller than the size of each page using Fiskars paper edgers..then glued some on a few pages. I didn't want to get too ahead of myself because the only photos I have of baby girl are ultrasounds, and I'm not sure which paper I will want for photos of her once she arrives.
Here are some of the pages:
I really loved the look of the black and white ultrasounds against the black and white star paper. It just 'popped', and I wish I would have had an assortment of other black and white paper to do the other pages of ultrasound pictures..but oh well.
Now I am in no way a professional scrap book person, nor are my supplies very organized at all.. so I'm sure this looks very amateurish but it was fun to do, so I don't care!
It'll be nice to have those other pages pre-cut once the baby arrives so I don't have to mess around with that part, because once she comes I know I'll really have little to no time to dedicate myself to this book.
My poor boys' baby albums are no way near half done..and my oldest is 7yrs old! Oh well it's the thought that counts!!!

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